Thursday, September 3, 2020

Cholecystitis Treatment and Management †Free Samples to Students

Question: Talk about the Cholecystitis Treatment and Management. Answer: Presentation Gallstonesareminimally estimated stones which are produced using cholesterol and are hence stored in the nerve bladder. Despite the fact that gallstones don't frequently have any manifestations that present genuinely, they can in any case, cause intermittent torment (alluded to as biliary colic) or can form into a further developed structure alluded to as intense cholecystitis (NHS, 2015). The last type of disease is conceivably genuine and requires for an individual to visit an emergency clinic promptly they experience difficult distress. Intense cholecystitis is typically rewarded with anti-infection agents and intravenous liquids. The principle indications incorporate unexpected agony that is knowledgeable about the correct hand side of the mid-region and which spreads gradually to the correct shoulder. The sharp agony is progressively brought together in the influenced delicate piece of the mid-region and taking profound inhales just declines the torment (NHS, 2015). Not at all like other stomach torment types, intense cholecystitis torment proceeds tirelessly for a few hours before living. A few people experience the agony with different side effects including: high fever; regurgitating and sickness; perspiring; craving misfortune; jaundice; and a stomach swell. The causes can be sorted into two: calculous and acalculuous. Calculous is the most well-known at this point less genuine of the two kinds and records for roughly 95% of all occurrences of cholecystitis. It happens when the gallbladder's principle opening known as the cystic conduit, is obstructed by biliary slime or gallstones. Biliary ooze includes a blend of bile, salt precious stones, and cholesterol pellets. This blockage brings about develop of bile in the nerve bladder which thus brings about weight develop making the nerve bladder become inflammed. 1 in each 5 inflammed bladders frequently winds up with a bacterial disease (NHS, 2015). Acalculous cholecystitis is progressively ge nuine yet not as predominant as the calculuous type. It frequently creates as a genuine disease intricacy, injury, or contamination to the gallbladder that makes it be harmed. It might result from an inadvertent harm to the gallbladder during a surgery, blood harming, consumes, AIDS, or serious ailing health (NHS, 2015) The patient introduced at the human services place was a multi year old male joined by his multi year old little girl. The patient had cholecystitis and whined of having an intense stomach torment in his RUQ and which had continued for two days. He likewise had a high body fever, was disgusted just as spewing. The handover notes showed that his HR was 126, temperature was crested at 38.8 and his BP was at a low of 100/45; his RUQ experienced extreme torment and spewing hade proceeded for two hours. The notes likewise showed that the patient had a dry mucous film, fair skin, and that he was parched. The shoulder tip torment was recorded at a score of 7/10. The patient had a pale mucous film which is an indication of serious lack of hydration. He additionally mentioned for water (Modic, 2013). Extraneous shoulder agony could be because of diaphragmatic torment which is an immediate outcome of a subphrenic boil or gallbladder sickness (Patient, 2016). Kasim accompanied his multi year old girl which most likely induces that she is the person who deals with him during times of ailment and when he reports for clinic exams. If the patient should be conceded, this will represent an issue as the little girl can't sign patient assent structures and neither will she be in position to return home without anyone else when her dad gets conceded. Plans should be made to oblige the circumstance Torment in the Right Upper Quadrant Right upper quadrant (RUQ) torment is one that shows locally on the mid-region's correct hand side subcostal area. The agony regularly emanates superiorly and spreads over to the foremost hemithorax on the correct side, trailed by average spread to the epigastrium, inferolaterallly toward the lower quadrant or flank on the correct side, and afterward postterolaterally toward the hemithorax back right side (Chandra, 2016). The intense torment can create over various days or hours or can be subacute to constant, which creates over a time of a couple of months or weeks. The agony quality changes from a dull yearn to a sharp torment which is colic or nonstop just as being irregular. Now and again the agony may begin as colic and advance to a tenacious and constant torment. The instinctive zone lies over the hepato-biliary framework and any disease of these causes torment in the RUQ. Different organs in the instinctive zone incorporate the pancreas head, the duodenum, the colon hepatic flexure, and the correct kidney upper post,. A differential analysis ought to be never really out whatever other contamination while rewarding for RUQ. The most widely recognized etiologies for RUQ incorporate biliary tree (this is intense bacterial disease cholangitis, or choledocholithiasis); nerve bladder (intense cholecystitis or cholelithiasis); or liver (intense hepatitis brought about by liquor or viral contamination) The patient's pulse was 126 and the BP was 100/45. At the point when an individual's body is got dried out, the blood flow is limited inside the vessels. This causes development inside the circulation system which makes the heart siphon blood quicker trying to flush out the amassed squanders. This constrained siphoning of blood is showed in indications which include: low circulatory strain and high pulses as was seen in the patient. What's more, the patient has dry mucous film and was parched. Gallstones create when precious stone like particles structure in the bile and can run in size from moment to golf ball size. Gallstones cause aggravation, weight, and disease of the nerve bladder. The nerve bladder dividers become thick creation it harder to work proficiently. Also, cholecystitis can result from CBD waste framework disease; blockage of the CBD; overabundance stores of cholesterol in the gallbladder because of fast weight reduction or pregnancy; pancreatic or liver tumors; gallbladder tumors; and diabetes that causes diminished blood stream to the gallbladder (Healthline, 2015) Constant cholecystitis happens after regular and delayed assault scenes. As per the Cleveland Clinic(2014) the danger of creating cholecystitis increments when an individual arrives at the age of 40 years. Likewise, individuals who are large are additionally inclined to getting contaminated. Fast weight increase or misfortune is likewise connected to the ailment development. For the situation, the patient gave side effects of cholecystitis which included cholangitis as symptomized by a high fever and spewing, hypotension, and now and again disarray (Medicinenet, 2016) Understanding evaluation and intercession The patient's history just as a physical test shapes the premise of analysis. Murphy's sign has been found to give a 95% precision report for people giving impermanent respiratory capture or agony on the privilege subcostal profound palpitations, a pointer for intense cholecystitis. The patient will experience a couple of lab tests including total CBC, liver capacity tests, amylase, and lipase. A x-beam f the mid-region will likewise be fundamental for deciding the specific reason for the RUQ. A ultrasound will distinguish nearness of gallstones while a CT sweep will show any depiction of organ structures. The outcomes from these tests will be adequate to analyze nearness of gallstones just as show and different contaminations in the instinctive organs (Mayo, 2015). Other than the high heart beat rate, the high temperature/fever, and low circulatory strain, that the patient is recorded to have, the tests for lack of hydration will likewise incorporate checking for nearness of sweat. The skin will likewise be evaluated for flexibility. As lack of hydration strengthens in the body, the skin turgor diminishes even as the water content in the body is lost through the skin. The measure of sweat will be checked in the armpit as it is one of the two territories that will in general regularly have dampness. The medical attendant won't check for sweat in the patient's crotch (the other zone for sweat testing) essentially in light of the fact that the patient, in view of the medical caretaker's recognition, will see the procedure to be socially unseemly. The mouth and nasal pit will likewise be inspected thus also will the tongue, to decide their degree of dampness (Wedro, 2015) Typical real capacities for a sound grown-up include: a pulse of between 60-100bpm (Pulse Vital, 2017); circulatory strain levels at 120/80mmHg (Mayo, 2017); internal heat level of 36.5 to 37.2 degrees Celsius (WebMD, 2016) End Treatment intercessions for cholecystitis rely upon the condition's seriousness just as the nonattendance or nearness of difficulties. For situations where there are no complexities, the patient can be treated at the ER and released around the same time while in entangled cases; the patient may require experiencing surgery to address the irregularity. For flimsy patients, it might be fitting to utilize percutaneous seepage transhepatic cholecystostomy. Contamination is overseen by managing anti-toxins. An authoritative treatment will incorporate waste gadget arrangement or cholecystectomy, subsequently, it will be important to counsel a specialist. Furthermore, a gastroenterologist should be counseled in the need emerges for an endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) on account of choledocholithiasis (Bloom, 2016). Serious parchedness requires for the patient to be conceded in the emergency clinic where isotonic saline will be regulated just as screen for hyponametric and hypernametric states. The patient was heaving and thus he won't b ready to endure oral rehydration treatment which implies that admission to the medical clinic will be vital for intravenous liquid or nasogastric treatment (Schols, De Groot, Van Der Cammen,2009). The multi year old girl should be helped to get back home by either requiring any of her family members to come and get her. In the event that there is no nearby family member, the social help division at the emergency clinic will be entrusted with her plac

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Absolute Monarchy Triumphs in France Parliament Gain Power in England Essay Sample free essay sample

Cardinal Jules Mazarin-student of Cardinal Richelieu and the principle minister of Anne of Austria ; stooped uprisings of provincials and city-inhabitants to reinforce the approval of the government. Anne of Austria-female parent of Louis XIV. managed for him since he was 5 mature ages old so. Divine Right-the intensity of a male ruler originated from God and no subject will make strong to oppugn it. * It is God who sets up kings†¦ Princes along these lines go about as clergymen of God and [ are ] His lieutenants on Earth. It is through them that He rules†¦ That is why†¦ the regal seat is non the seat of a grown-up male yet the seat of God Himself†¦ . It shows up from this that the person of male rulers is holy. also, to go against them is sacrilege†¦ ( Bishop Jacques Benigne Boussuet ) â€Å"L’etat. c’est moi†-The satisfy it is I-King Louis XIV of Franceâ€Å"Sun King†-Louis XIV needed to name himself as ‘sun king’ contrasting himself with the Greek God Apollo. We will compose a custom exposition test on Outright Monarchy Triumphs in France Parliament Gain Power in England Essay Sample or then again any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page which offers life to all things and God of harmony and humanistic disciplines.Versailles-in 1682. the Royal Court moved to Versailles stronghold. it took more than 2o mature ages to develop it. It is the image of the total government in France. Jean Baptiste Colbert-fund minister of Louis XIV. a solid advocator of commercial framework approach in France ; set up Gallic settlements to compete with the taking exchanging states ; welcomed outside craftsmans to learn Gallic laborers. Huguenots-Gallic Protestants who were aggrieved by Louis XIV due to non-resistance of religions. Proclamation of Nantes-allowed the Huguenots a major advance of otherworldly opportunity. equivalent mediation under the statute. what's more, equivalent opportunity to keep puts in the specialists ; marked by Henry IV however canceled by Louis XIV. War of the Spanish Succession ( 1701-1713 ) the most dangerous war when Louis XIV’s approaches compromise the equalization of forces in Europe ; every now and again called as the First World War in light of the fact that the vast majority of the taking states in Europe were included. Phillip of Anjou-the substitution of the Hapsburg male ruler in 1700. grandson of Louis XIV. Tranquility of Utrecht-made out of a few settlements marked in 1713 and 1714 ; it endeavored to reproduce the perceived leverage in Europe. 1715-Louis XIV passed on. He ruled for 72 mature ages. France confronted dreadful financial occupations that prompted an uphea val ; he was prevailing by Louis XV. Parliament Gains Power in FranceWars of Roses-the English Royal family split into two-the place of York image for white roses and place of Lancaster image for bronzed roses. Henry Tudor-battled for the place of Lancaster. murdered King Richard III. kid of the duke of York. also, became Henry VII. along these lines the start of the Tudor Dynasty in England. Henry VIII-substitution of the Tudor administration. reinforced the approval of the Crown by hindering with the Pope and going the Head of the English Church. Elizabeth I-young lady of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. Her 45-year rule was one of England’s most noteworthy ages. Elizabeth’s Accomplishments:* Strengthening the spot of Anglican Church* England’s exchanging industry was improved* Defeated the top notch Armada ( 1558 )* Beginning of English colonization of America* Flowering of English literature* Awakening the English pride in England’s superb destiny. ( â€Å"Good Queen Bess† ) Mary. Sovereign of Scots-( Mary Stuart ) ; Elizabeth’s cousin and moved her entitlement to be the sovereign of England. In the long run. Elizabeth hesitantly requested Mary’s executing subsequent to cognizing that Mary plotted perils against her. James I-substitution of Elizabeth I. kid of Mary Stuart ; professed to administer by Godhead right however in unchanging fight with the Parliament. Charles I-kid of James I. in his legislature. tensenesss among parliament and the sovereign escalated. The battle fixated on two issues-income upgrades and confidence. Solicitation of Right-establishment of English independence restricted the intensity of the male ruler and set Forth explicit rights: 1. The sovereign could non move up income improvements without Parliament’s assent 2. Regular folks could non be compelled to gracefully supplement and haven for fighters 3. Military law could non be forced in clasp of harmony 4. No individual could be detained aside from upon a particular charge Puritans-English Protestants needed to â€Å"purify† the Church of England by smothering what they viewed as Roman Catholic examples ; they reprimanded disintegration of rich robes by the pastorate. ornamentation in holy places. lush ceremonies. what's more, stooping at the Communion. â€Å"King James Version† another English interlingual interpretation of Bible ; distributed in 1611 ; supported by James I. William Laud-Archbishop of Canterbury. upheld harsh law against the Puritans Short Parliament-it was broken up 3 hebdomads after Charles I considered a gathering of Parliament to ask cash that will be utilized to battle Scots in Lowlands since they rebelled against Charles’ forced Anglican love. Long Parliament ( 1640-1653 ) when Charles assembled a conference again. this clasp Parliament puts more limits on monarch’s power. A portion of the modifications are: ( 1 ) normal Sessionss ; ( 2 ) dispose of specific court-Star Chamber ; ( 3 ) raise income upgrade with Parliament’s assent Cavaliers-the monarchists during the English common war. the Anglicans. Catholics. a large portion of the individuals from the House of the Commons Roundheads-the Puritans. Parliament. working class townspeople Oliver Cromwell-a Puritan general that lead the parliamentary powers. took the rubric â€Å"Lord Protector. † In 1657. the Parliament offered him as male ruler of England yet he won't. He governed England. Scotland and Ireland until his perish in 1658. He requested the executing of Charles I in 1649 for lese grandness. Reclamation Period-( 1660-1685 ) the sovereign controlled again in England Charles II-kid of Charles I. come back to the seat ; known as the â€Å"Merry Monarch† James II-Catholic sibling of Charles II. acquired his seat. inadequacy of effortlessness in driving Glorious Revolution-set uping Parliament’s mastery over the English sovereign Mary and William of Orange-proclaimed the swayers of England by the Parliament.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Major Theories of Human Development Free Essays

1. Epigenetic hypothesis (Erikson) Erikson’s epigenetic hypothesis delineates character improvement as an entry through eight successive phases of sense of self advancement from outset through mature age. As indicated by Erikson, the creating individual must ace and resolve, somewhat, a center clash or emergency during each phase by incorporating individual needs and abilities with the social and social requests and desires for nature. We will compose a custom paper test on Significant Theories of Human Development or then again any comparable point just for you Request Now Section to each formative stage is subject to the goals of the center clash of ht going before stage. No center clash is totally aced, be that as it may (Mandleco 2004). 2. Psychoanalytic hypothesis (Freud) As indicated by Freud, human conduct is propelled by psychodynamic powers inside an individual’s oblivious brain. Headed to act by these inward powers, people over and over connect with their outer condition. An individual’s character and psychosexual personality are created through the gathering of these interacational encounters. Character comprises of three parts: id, sense of self and superego. The id is natural, oblivious and driven by biologic impulses. The self image is a cognizant and normal workforce. The superego is the disguise of the virtues gained from guardians and older folks (Madleco 2004). 3) Behaviorist hypothesis (Watson) Behaviorism fights that human conduct can be clarified as only a connection between a boost and a reaction, and educated conduct is only an adapted response. Everything from discourse to passionate reactions are essentially examples of upgrade and reaction. Watson precluded totally the presence from securing the psyche or cognizance. Feelings are viewed basically as molded real reactions to outside occasions. Believing is clarified basically as talking unobtrusively. Watson accepted that human conduct ought to be concentrated in a way that permits the scientist to foresee and control those practices (Klein 1989). 4) Classical molding (Thorndike, Skinner) Expanding upon crafted by Thorndike, Skinner recognized two sorts of conduct. Respondent conduct depends on reflexes and doesn't require learning. For instance, in the event that one contacts a hot surface, one will rapidly evacuate one’s hand. Operant conduct, be that as it may, is learnt, and is performed immediately as opposed to as a programmed reaction to a circumstance. As per Skinner most human conduct is operant. Though old style molding relies upon creating relationship between occasions, operant molding includes gaining from outcomes of our conduct (Klein 1989). 5) Social learning hypothesis (Bandura) In social learning hypothesis, essential center is given to learning encounters that happen through corresponding social connections. Natural or situational determinants are significant, however communications are believed to be the conductor for disguise of social and nonsocial signals for conduct. Bandura and partners explored the impacts of demonstrating and impersonation on the conduct of small kids. They hypothesized that demonstrating and impersonation are the essential cooperation forms through which social collections are procured. Social learning hypothesis underscores the mingling impact of the family (Lerner 1996). 6)â Cognitive hypothesis (Piaget) As per Piaget’s intellectual hypothesis, children’s advancement is set apart by periods when they are especially delicate and receptive to outside impacts. Nonetheless, kids are not clear records on which instructors form whatever they want. Youngsters, who have characteristic auras and inclinations and are dependent upon their outer surroundings, create and develop mentally in a perpetual grouping from birth through youth and adulthood. To educate successfully, educators ought to know about the materials and approaches generally proper for a child’s preparation to learn (Sigelman Rider 2005). 7. Humanism (Maslow) The humanistic hypothesis focuses its consideration on the encountering individual, underscores on characteristics, for example, decision, inventiveness, valuation, and self-acknowledgment, with an extreme worry for esteeming of pride and worth of a man, and an enthusiasm for the advancement of the potential innate in each individual. Maslow has alluded to his brain science as comprehensive, powerful brain science, and above all it is known as self-completion brain research, which communicates that individuals have possibility which could become facts through the procedure of healthy development (Coon 2004). 8. Phases of good turn of events (Kohlberg) Kohlberg proposed that people will in general advancement through six phases of good turn of events. Individuals will in general settle on choices and decisions about good and bad for various reasons, contingent upon the phase of advancement they have accomplished. Kohlberg’s six phases of good improvement are: 1) Right is dutifulness to power and evasion of punishment.â 2)Right is assuming liability for oneself 3) Right is as a rule decent in the feeling of having great thought processes 4) Right is keeping up the standards of a general public 5) Right depends on perceived individual rights inside a general public 6) Right is an accepted commitment to standards applying to all mankind: equity, balance, and regard to human life (Lerner 1996). References: Coon, D. 2004. Prologue to Psychology : Gateways to Mind and Behavior. Belmont, CA : Thomson Wadsworth Klein, S. B. 1989. Contemporary Learning Theories: Instrumental Conditioning Theoryâ and the Impact of Biological Constraints on Learning. Hillsdale, NJ : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Lerner, R. M. 1996. Ideas and Theories of Human Development. Mahwah, NJ : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Mandleco, B. L. 2004. Development Handbook: Newborn Through Youthful. Clifton Park, NY : Delmar Learning Sigelman, C. K. Rider E. A. 2005. Life expectancy Human Development.  Belmont, CA : Thomson Wadsworth Step by step instructions to refer to Major Theories of Human Development, Essay models

Friday, June 12, 2020

I Am Doug Spaulding Accessibility and Symbolism in Dandelion Wine - Literature Essay Samples

Ray Bradbury may have chosen Doug to be the twelve-year-old protagonist in Dandelion Wine, but I remain convinced that Bradbury took a pencil and paper to my childhood. Part of the reason why Doug’s character resonates with me so much stems from Bradbury’s use of symbolic language. Because symbolism leaves the audience to interpret the text’s meaning, every reader draws a different interpretation of the text based on his or her own personal experiences. By picturing the experience associated with Bradbury’s imagery, the reader gains a deeper understanding of the story. Bradbury effectively utilizes symbolism in Dandelion Wine to aid the audience in perceiving the text’s significance and to impart the messages that form the novel’s overall theme. Bradbury reveals Doug’s youthful nature in the form of animals, allowing the reader to visually imagine Doug’s mental and physical characteristics. After Doug becomes aware of his existence, Bradbury writes, â€Å"Douglas, eyes shut, saw spotted leopards pad in the dark† (10). When Doug opens his eyes, Bradbury states, â€Å"The leopards trotted soundlessly off through darker lands where eyeballs could not turn to follow† (10). From a twelve-year-old’s perspective, leopards seem like the fastest and scariest animals in the world. The reader envisions the leopards and gathers that Doug’s realization of his existence strikes struck him unexpectedly, leading him to be justifiably frightened. When Doug opens his eyes, the leopards disappear because mortality now occupies his fears. Doug’s epiphany about his existence marks a slight shift in his transition from boy to man. Another instance within the text where Bradbury symbolically employs animals materializes when Doug purchases shoes. After Doug laces the tennis shoes on his feet, the shoe salesman asks Doug whether the shoes feel like antelopes or gazelles. Bradbury then writes that what the tennis shoes feel like: â€Å"Beautiful creatures leaping under the sky, gone through brush, under trees, away, and only the soft echo their running left behind† (25). Most children have a tendency toward wildness, which causes them to exude energy and excitement. Antelopes and gazelles perfectly capture the wildness characteristic of children like Doug because the two animals can often be found leaping and bounding through the grasslands. By symbolically comparing Doug’s attributes to animals, Bradbury aids the audience in sensing the novel’s youthful tone. In yet another intricacy of his narrative, Bradbury symbolically exposes the limited nature of machines to communicate the message that human relationships prove more important than technology. Even though Dandelion Wine takes place in 1928 when technology was sparse, Bradbury includes various types of machines within his novel. In one instance within the text, Leo Auffmann, Doug’s neighbor, attempts to build a machine that captures happiness. Leo’s â€Å"Happiness Machine† brings more sadness than happiness and ends up bursting into flames (Bradbury 61). Leo realizes that real Happiness Machine was â€Å"patented a couple thousand years ago,† â€Å"still runs,† and has â€Å"been here all along,† meaning that true happiness exists in family dynamics (Bradbury 62). Another example of Bradbury’s message negating mechanical ability exists in the constantly changing nature of technology. Doug develops a fascination for the town’s t rolley and relies on it for all his traveling and exploring needs. Doug’s enchantment with the trolley can be found in his statement:, â€Å"Need to run anywhere on the main streets, I got the Green Town Trolley to look around and spy on the world from† (Bradbury 88). When the town shuts down the trolley in favor of bus transportation, Doug says, â€Å"But †¦ But †¦ They can’t take off the trolley! Why †¦ no matter how you look at it, a bus ain’t a trolley† (Bradbury 98). Doug seems to struggle with accepting the fact that nothing lasts forever. Current technology, especially, can only persist for so long before newer models phase out outdated versions. The only â€Å"machine† in Dandelion Wine that transcends the limitations of technology happens to be human. Doug and his friends describe Colonel Freeleigh, an elderly neighbor, as a â€Å"time machine† because Colonel Freeleigh transports the boys to other time periods with his stories. Doug says, â€Å"I got to travel all those ways. See what I can see. But most of all I got to visit Colonel Freeleigh once, twice, three times a week. He’s better than all the other machines. He talks, you listen† (Bradbury 89). Bradbury didoes not coincidentally choose to compare Colonel Freeleigh to a time machine; he wanted to illustrate the prestige human interaction holds over technology. With the representation of various machines, Bradbury successfully employs symbolism to convey his message about the inadequacy of machines and the importance of personal relationships. Moreover, Bradbury uses dandelions as a consistent symbol throughout the novel to represent many overlapping ideas. Doug’s grandfather produces wine from the weeds of dandelions every summer, so dandelions seem to be a memory Doug closely associates with the sultry season. Bradbury explores the connection Doug makes between dandelions and summer when he says, â€Å"Dandelion wine. The words were summer on the tongue. The wine was summer caught and stoppered† (13). Dandelions generally sprout when the temperature rises, and they have a yellow hue characteristic of sunny days and lemonade, which possess a direct link to summer. Because of this association, the audience easily connects dandelions with summer. Bradbury also capitalizes on a dandelion’s position in nature by demonstrating the tie between man and earth. Grandpa says dandelions that â€Å"bend you over and turn you away from all the people and the town for a little while and sweat you and get you down where you remember you got a nose again† (Bradbury 50). Considering Bradbury’s negative portrayal of machines, it does not seem surprising that Bradbury thinks highly of nature. The phrase â€Å"remember you got a nose† seems to symbolize a recognition of man’s humble relationship with God’s creation. In addition to representing summer and the union between the world’s natural elements, dandelions symbolize a collection of memories. At the end of summer when Grandpa bottles the wine, he says, that â€Å"you get to live the summer over for a minute or two here or there along the way through the winter †¦ that’s dandelion wine† (Bradbury 236). Bradbury reveals that drinking a bottle of dandelion wine during winter means reliving the memories of summer. Each bottle captures the essence of a different summer day. Because dandelions hold so many memories of summer unique to every reader, Bradbury was wise to choose dandelions as the novel’s prevailing symbolic feature. Bradbury’s use of symbolism in Dandelion Wine proves overly effective in aiding the audience’s perception of the messages within the text. Bradbury takes advantage of all the feelings children associate with summer by convincing readers to recollect their own carefree memories of summers before the years of obligations and worries. When Doug Spaulding purchases a pair of Royal Crown Cream-Sponge Para Litefoot tennis shoes, I envision myself at nine years old choosing a pair of Suede Classic Black and White Puma sneakers at the shoe store. When Doug picks dandelions for his grandfather, I see myself in the backyard of my childhood home blowing dandelions and watching the seeds float over the trees into unknown lands. My statement still stands firm: I am Doug Spaulding.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Heros Journey Meeting with the Mentor

The mentor is one of the archetypes drawn from the depth psychology of Carl Jung and the mythic studies of Joseph Campbell. Here, we are looking at the mentor as Christopher Vogler does in his book, The Writers Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers. All three of these modern men help us to understand the mentors role in humanity, in the myths that guide our lives, including religions, and in our storytelling, which is what we will focus on here. The Mentor The mentor is the wise old man or woman every hero meets fairly early in the most satisfying stories. The role is one of the most recognizable symbols in literature. Think Dumbledore from Harry Potter, Q from the James Bond series, Gandalf from Lord of the Rings, Yoda from Star Trek, Merlin from King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, Alfred from Batman, the list is very long. Even Mary Poppins is a mentor. How many others can you think of? The mentor represents the bond between parent and child, teacher and student, doctor and patient, god and man. The function of the mentor is to prepare the hero to face the unknown, to accept the adventure. Athena, the goddess of wisdom, is the full, undiluted energy of the mentor archetype, Vogler says. Meeting with the Mentor In most heros journey stories, the hero is first seen in the ordinary world when he or she receives a call to adventure. Our hero generally refuses that call in the beginning, either afraid of what will happen  or satisfied with life as it is. And then someone like Gandalf appears to change the heros mind, and to bestow gifts and gadgets. This is the meeting with the mentor. The mentor gives the hero the supplies, knowledge, and confidence required to overcome his or her fear and face the adventure, according to Christopher Vogler, author of The Writers Journey: Mythic Structure. Keep in mind that the mentor doesnt have to be a person. The job can be accomplished by a map or experience from a previous adventure. In the Wizard of Oz, Dorothy meets a series of mentors: Professor Marvel, Glinda the Good Witch, Scarecrow, Tin Man, the Cowardly Lion, and the Wizard himself. Think about why the heros relationship with the mentor or mentors is important to the story. One reason is usually that readers can relate to the experience. They enjoy being a part of an emotional relationship between hero and mentor. Who are the mentors in your story? Are they obvious or subtle? Has the author done a good job of turning the archetype on its head in a surprising way? Or is the mentor a stereotypical fairy godmother or white-bearded wizard. Some authors will use the reader’s expectations of such a mentor to surprise them with a mentor completely different. Watch for mentors when a story seems stuck. Mentors are the ones who provide aid, advice, or magical equipment when all appears doomed. They reflect the reality that we all have to learn life’s lessons from someone or something.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Catholic Churchs View on Contraception Essay

Contraception is the deliberate prevention of conception or impregnation by various drugs, techniques, or devices – also more famously known as birth control. This research paper will examine the views of both the Catholic Church and the view that opposes the Catholic Church on this practice. Each view will be examined thoroughly with the reasoning behind each unique view. The Catholic Church’s view on contraception is simple. They believe that any act of sex must be both unitive and procreative Birth control, by any means or techniques will halt the procreative process and over time diminish the unity created by sex (Catechism). During the 1960s there was a major boom in contraceptives; The Pill had just been created. It is at this point†¦show more content†¦He said that before sex there must be some responsibility and outlook on the future welfare of the unborn child. The method that Pope John Paul II was referring to is called period continence, also known as â€Å"natural family planning† (Natural Family Planing). Natural family planning is a means of birth control through sex during infertile periods. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, this is within the criteria of objective morality because it â€Å"respects the body of the spouses, encourages tenderness between them, and promotes an authentic freedom† (Catechism, 2370). In terms of the Catholic Church’s point of view on certain subjects, their view on contraceptives is the most dissented. Out of the 63 million women in the children bearing age (15-43) within the US, 43 million are both sexually active and do not want to have a child. Out of these 43 million, 89% use contraceptives. The most common forms of birth control include the pill (or â€Å"day after pill†), tubal sterilization, the male condom, and vasectomy (Facts on Contraception). A survey in 1998 taken by â€Å"Catholics for free choice† claimed that 96% of catholic women had used contraceptives at some point in their lives and that 72% of Catholics believed that one could remain a good catholic without obeying the Catholic teaching of birth control (Catholics free choice). Out of the 24% of Americans that are identified as Catholic, only 1.5% of those that areShow MoreRelatedContraception and the Catholic Church Essay1684 Words   |  7 PagesThe issue of birth cont rol remains one of the most controversial issues within the Catholic Church dividing members at all levels including the clergy. The Roman Catholic Church for the past 2000 years has been a major opponent of artificial birth control (BBC). Pope Paul VI made a clear declaration on the use of birth control when he wrote ‘the Encyclical Letter ‘Human Vitae’ on July 25, 1968 which banned Catholics from using contraceptives (Pope VI). 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I would not only like to argue its immorality from a religious standpoint but also from a purely ethical view as well, and I believe each case on its own is enough to prove the immorality of using artificial contraception. THE RELIGIOUS ARGUMENT Often times we hear various teachings of the Catholic Church on controversial issues such as premarital sex, abortion, and contraceptives, but fail to get a good explanation of why such views are taughtRead MoreAbortion And Birth Control Rights In The Catholic Church.1752 Words   |  8 PagesAbortion and Birth Control Rights in the Catholic Church In our modern world, the topics of abortion rights and access to birth control seem to be at the top of the list for political strife and conversation; being â€Å"pro-choice† and â€Å"pro-life† are labels thrown around between Republicans and Democrats on the political platform. 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Aquatic Ecosystem free essay sample

B. KARTHIK CLASS C E. V. S PROJECT Problems nutrients, such as nitrogen in the form of nitrates and ammonia can intensify this fertilizing effect, especially in nutrient poor rivers in remote areas as well as estuaries or coastal areas. * runoff from land cleared for agriculture, especially where fertilizers and manure have been applied in quantities that exceed nutritional requirements of crops * runoff from forestry and urban expansion * industrial emissions to soils and water (e. g. ulp and paper and mining) municipal and household wastewater discharge, including septic systems lown dust from bare soils. Excess phosphorus can result in abundant growth of aquatic plants. This can lead to a shift in the assemblages of fish and invertebrates toward less desirable species, including pollution tolerant ones which may include invasive species. blue green algae can form blooms under certain conditions, such as high nutrient loadings and warm temperatures, and cause unpleasant taste and o dour problems in drinking water. Some of these bacteria can release toxins in the water which can pose health risks to humans and animals Decaying and unsightly algal and aquatic plant growths an also clog intake pipes and impair navigation reducing the aesthetic and recreational value of aquatic ecosystems. Additionally, fish kills can occur as a result of concurrent declines in dissolved oxygen. THE END Wetlands, rivers, lakes, and coastal estuaries are all aquatic ecosystems†critical elements of Earths dynamic processes and essential to human economies and health. Wetlands connect land and water, serving as natural filters, reducing pollution, controlling floods, and acting as nurseries for many aquatic species. Rivers, lakes, and estuaries serve as important transportation, recreation, and wildlife hubs. Coral reefs deliver ecosystem services to tourism, fisheries and shoreline protection. The annual global economic value of coral reefs was estimated at IJS$ 375 billion in 2002. However, coral reefs are fragile ecosystems, partly because they are very sensitive to water temperature. They are under threat from climate change, oceanic acidification, blast fishing, cyanide fishing for aquarium fish, overuse of reef resources, and harmful land-use practices, including urban and agricultural runoff and water pollution, which can harm reefs by encouraging excess algal growth. [5[6] 7] The banks of many estuaries are amongst the most heavily populated areas of the world, with about 60% of the worlds population living along estuaries and the coast. As a result, many estuaries are suffering degradation by many factors, including sedimentation from soil erosion from deforestation, overgrazing, and other poor farming practices; overfishing; drainage and filling of wetlands; eutrophication due to excessive nutrients from sewage and animal wastes; pollutants including heavy metals, polychlorinated biphenyls, radionuclides and hydrocarbons from sewage inputs; and diking or damming for flood control or water diversion. ] Wetlands are among the most productive ecosystems in the world, comparable to rain forests and coral reefs. An immense variety of species of microbes, plants, insects, amphibians, reptiles, birds, fish, and mammals can be part of a wetland ecosystem. Physical and chemical features such as climate, landscape shape (topology), geology, and the movement and abundance of water help to determine the plants and animals that inhabit each wetland. The complex, dynamic relationships among the organisms inhabiting the wetland e nvironment are referred to as food webs. Wetlands play an ntegral role in the ecology of the watershed. The combination of shallow water, high levels of nutrients, and primary productivity is ideal for the development of organisms that form the base of the food web and feed many species of fish, amphibians, shellfish, and insects. Many species of birds and mammals rely on wetlands tor t , water, and shelter, especially during migration and breeding. Wetlands microbes, plants, and wildlife are part of global cycles for water, nitrogen, and sulfur. Furthermore, scientists are beginning to realize that atmospheric maintenance may be an additional wetlands function. Wetlands store carbon within their plant communities and soil instead of releasing it to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. Thus wetlands help to moderate global climate conditions. Coral reefs are underwater structures made from calcium carbonate secreted by corals. Coral reefs are colonies of tiny animals found in marine waters that contain few nutrients. Most coral reefs are built from stony corals, which in turn consist of polyps that cluster in groups. The polyps belong to a group of animals known as Cnidaria, which also includes sea anemones and Jellyfish. Unlike sea anemones, coral polyps secrete hard arbonate exoskeletons which support and protect their bodies. Reefs grow best in warm, shallow, clear, sunny and agitated waters. often called rainforests of the sea, coral reefs form some of the most diverse ecosystems on Earth. They occupy less than 0. 1% of the worlds ocean surface, about half the area of France, yet they provide a home for 25% of all marine including fish, mollusks, worms, crustaceans, echinoderms, sponges, tunicates and other cnidarians. [4] Paradoxically, coral reefs flourish even though they are surrounded by ocean waters that provide few nutrients. They are most commonly found at shallow depths in tropical waters, ut deep water and cold water corals also exist on smaller scales in other areas. An estuary is a partly enclosed coastal body of brackish water with one or more rivers or streams flowing into it, and with a free connection to the open sea. [l] Estuaries form a transition zone between river environments and maritime environments and are subject to both marine influences, such as tides, waves, and the influx of saline water; and riverine influences, such as flows of fresh water and sediment. The inflows of both sea water and fresh water provide high levels of nutrients in both the water olumn and sediment, making estuaries among the most productive natural habitats in the world. 2] Most existing estuaries were formed during the Holocene epoch by the flooding of river-eroded or glacially scoured valleys when the sea level began to rise about 10,000-12,000 years ago. [3] Estuaries are typically classified by their geomorphological features or by water circulation patterns and can be referred to by many different names, such as bays, harbors, lagoons, inlets, or sound s, although some of these water bodies do not strictly meet the above definition of an estuary and may be fully saline. The ecosystem of a river is the river viewed as a system operating in its natural environment, and includes biotic (living) interactions amongst plants, animals and micro-organisms, as well as abiotic (nonliving) physical and chemical interactions. [1][2] River ecosystems are prime examples of lotic ecosystems. Lotic refers to flowing water, from the Latin lotus, washed. Lotic waters range from springs only a few centimeters wide to major rivers kilometers in width. [3] Much of this article applies to lotic ecosystems in general, including related lotic systems such as streams and springs. Lotic ecosystems can be contrasted with lentic ecosystems, which involve relatively still terrestrial waters such as lakes and ponds. Together, these two fields form the more general study area of freshwater or aquatic ecology. The following unifying characteristics make the ecology of running waters unique from that of other aquatic habitats. [4] * Flow is unidirectional. * There is a state ot continuous physical change. * There is a high degree of spatial and temporal heterogeneity at all scales (microhabitats). * Variability between lotic systems is quite high. * The biota is specialized to live with flow conditions.